Thursday, October 10, 2019

C7 Short-term joint staff training events

 Final report

P36 Other Project Events

They write an article about the mobility and the newly acquired knowledge and they send it to the local newspaper. They prepare the materials and exhibit them in the Erasmus+ corner at their schools.

P33 Other Project Events

Questionnaires for:
- students: about their interest in science,
- teachers: about their current teaching methods.

C6 Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils

Mobility to Slovenia: Active citizens for sustainable environment

P30 Other Project Events

A panel discussion with representatives of local community about energetic potential of our region and environmental issues. Students upload pictures and results of the day on the eTwinning platform for all the students and teachers to see. Pictures and a short description of activities is also uploaded on the Project website and school websites. Local media are invited to the event.

P32 Other Project Events

Linguistic and cultural preparation for students taking part in mobility. Language teacher prepares students who will take part in the mobility for the activities during extra classes. A group of students explores the basic geographical and cultural data about the country of the following mobility and presents the information to classes 6 – 9. They also put up an exhibition in the Erasmus+ corner.

P31 Other Project Events

Students and teachers prepare a presentation of activities and acquired skills and knowledge to students and teachers back at home. They write an article about the mobility and the newly acquired knowledge and they send it to the local newspaper. They prepare the materials and exhibit them in the Erasmus+ corner at their schools.